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The Centre for the Study of English Language Teaching JOURNAL >
Vol.8 >

このアイテムの引用には次の識別子を使用してください: http://hdl.handle.net/11470/845

タイトル: Student Perceptions of using MReader to meet an Advanced Reading goal in a Japanese University
著者: Hulse, Robert
発行日: 2020年3月
出版者: 福岡女学院大学英語教育研究センター
抄録: MReader is a browser based website that offers quizzes on graded reader books from a variety of publishers. There have been past studies on MReader that have produced mixed results in showing how useful students’ gains in extensive reading courses have been. These studies, however, required students to reach a limited reading goal. This study explored the perceptions of MReader among a sample of students who were required to meet a more advanced reading goal, defined in terms of reading 210,000 words per semester. Participants were 85 female students from a private University in Fukuoka who completed an online survey. The survey explored their overall perceptions of MReader, perceptions of specific aspects of MReader, and their use of the programme. The questionnaire contained both closed and open-ended questions. Participants did not enjoy MReader, and they had negative attitudes towards the set reading goal. The majority of them, however, reached and surpassed this goal. Students reported moderate to high benefits in terms of their reading abilities, vocabulary, and grammar. Some had negative attitudes towards books and quizzes in MReader. Teachers should set more advanced reading goals in MReader if they are to ensure students’ reading gains. The developers of MReader need to provide access to more interesting books and allow more flexibility in quizzes in order to increase students’ enjoyment of the programme.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11470/845
ISSN: 21882762


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