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The Centre for the Study of English Language Teaching JOURNAL >
Vol.8 >

このアイテムの引用には次の識別子を使用してください: http://hdl.handle.net/11470/846

タイトル: On Needs in Education
著者: P.Williams, Alan
キーワード: needs; learner-centered teaching
発行日: 2020年3月
出版者: 福岡女学院大学英語教育研究センター
抄録: Those who are concerned with the poor quality of student learning at schools propose different solutions to help rectify the problems that beset education. While sociologists argue that measures to help eradicate social inequity will result in improved learning, psychologists influenced by cognitive science insist that teaching will always remain inefficacious as long as it fails to incorporate the findings unveiled about how our minds work. Regardless of their area of specialization, a very common proposal that is made by many invested in education is that learning will become more meaningful and lasting if it becomes more learner-centered. A learner-centered approach to learning is a wide-ranging educational philosophy that entails distinct views on a number of issues in education such as curricular goals, assessment, and instructional strategies. One of the cornerstones of this pedagogy is the claim that learning must be based on the needs students have. This underlying belief is constantly and often unthinkingly repeated like a mantra by those who uphold learned-centered teaching without inspecting its viability. This present study will raise some problems that revolve around learning that is based on learner needs.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11470/846
ISSN: 21882762


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