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紀要論文 >
The Centre for the Study of English Language Teaching JOURNAL >
Vol.9 >

このアイテムの引用には次の識別子を使用してください: http://hdl.handle.net/11470/895

タイトル: Key Elements of Online Teaching - The first step in learning to use the online teaching approach
著者: Hayashi, Chiaki
キーワード: online classroom
authentic communication
task development
発行日: 2021年3月
出版者: 福岡女学院大学英語教育研究センター
抄録: This article reports an online classroom research carried out during the influence of a highly transmissible infectious epidemic. Google Classroom (hereafter GC) was adopted for the entire 2020 academic year and instructors were informed of this new approach to teaching two weeks prior to the beginning of the first semester in April. Teachers had to conduct their GC while facing and experiencing the constraints and limitations brought by COVID-19. To understand the studentsʼ experience and thoughts towards online classroom, this article analyzes the questionnaire students did at the end of the term. The analysis will touch upon such issues as the effectiveness of teaching, the nature of online teaching, and the problem of motivating both students and teachers. As will be shown, the ʻ5 minutes Quick Taskʼ worked well with online classroom and it was found that the teacherʼs positive attitude and stance was an effective means for encouraging students to work in the classroom.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11470/895


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